How often have you been at a conference and just don?t have the time available to meet with all your vendor business partners? Or you just can’t locate the people you need to meet with in the hectic setting of a large conference.

The solution, Dennis and Judy Hammond present Debt Connection Symposium and Expo 2006, September 6th ? 8th, 2006. A new concept in conferences – focusing on networking and connecting with clients, service providers, product suppliers, agencies, attorneys – at a whole new level.

It is a solid opportunity to hear the highlights of industry trends from the trend setters or delve deeper into the educational tracks for Agency Management, Buyers and Sellers and Credit Grantors.

The Expo will have the latest in products and services, with screening room demonstrations of cutting edge products and exciting new technologies.

Featured Companies will be holding private meetings with their Agency and Attorney Vendors for annual or quarterly updates, pre-qualify new vendors for orientations sessions, or allow pre-qualified buyers to pre-view sale portfolios.

The pre-qualification process will utilize a unique portal. The Featured Company meetings, conference scheduling, and networking will all be supported and enhanced by exciting nTAG technology, an interactive PDA-like device issued to all conference attendees.

And please join us also for the 2nd Annual Tribute Awards, at a Black Tie Celebration & Benefit featuring “The DCS Idol” industry talent competition.

Please view the Debt Connection Symposium and Expo 2006 web site at:

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