9ci, Inc. today announced that Interior Investments, LLC a distributor of contract office furniture, has selected 9ci?s Dispute/Collections & Deductions System to increase operational efficiencies. Interior Investment anticipates that in the first year it will achieve 200% percent return on its investment in 9ci products.

Interior Investments selected 9ci?s Dispute/Collections & Deductions tool because of the flexibility the software offers, and because they needed a package that could deliver seamless integration between the A/R component and the collections component. Interior Investments will immediately begin implementing 9ci?s Dispute/Collections & Deductions System.

Interior Investment turned to 9ci to automate their deductions tracking to improve cash flow and reduce DSO. Using 9ci?s Dispute/Collection & Deduction System (DCS), Interior Investment expects to eliminate tedious manual chores and enforce consistency in the workflow. Business Insight, 9ci?s business intelligence module for credit decision support and analysis, will allow Interior Investement?s credit manager to review and monitor collector and analyst activity.

?9ci?s system eliminated our antiquated manual systems and offline spreadsheets and provided our collection professionals and supervisors with timely, accurate and usable real time data,? says Donald G. Shannon, Principal of Interior Investments, LLC ?Before 9ci, we wasted the majority of our time researching and accumulating data and now we invest our time analyzing the data and acting on the information. We chose 9ci because it presented a compelling economic value equation while delivering the information and results that our competitive industry demands.?

?We?re pleased to have Interior Investment as a new customer, and I?m confident that 9ci will help them significantly improve cash flow and reduce bad debt reserves,? says Joshua Burnett, President of 9ci, Inc. ?We look forward to a successful implementation and an ongoing relationship with Interior Investment.?

Next Article: More Problems for the IRS Debt Collection ...
